Monday 28 April 2014

Minutes of the Non-AGM held on 16th April 2014

Many thanks to the house group secretary for producing the minutes of the meeting of the 16th April 2014.

Just to note (as indeed it says in the minutes) that this was NOT an AGM as we didn't have enough members turn up.  We will be holding a 'flash-AGM' in the near future which will just cover the essentials of the AGM in a few minutes.  More on that soon.

The minutes:


Anne said...

Hi. I can't see the minutes; there's a message saying the document can't be found at the original source.
I was looking at the blog to see if I could find any information on the internal redecorations next year. I think (at the non-AGM) it was mentioned that someone has already come up with some suggestions so I was going to take a look at those. It's not urgent though ...

Bruce said...

Sorry - yes, I'd forgotten to make the document on the post public! Sorry. You should be able to see it now.