Wednesday 29 April 2015

Help Wanted

Dear reader,

There are some small but significant ways in which you could help your house group, and which might even be a bit of fun.

Lift Notice Board Monitor:
We have nice notice holders in the lifts, but they are under-used.  If you primarily live in Ben Jonson House and have access to this blog and have a printer it would be really helpful if you could print and post notices from this blog in the lift from time to time.  The house group may occasionally ask for specific items to be posted, but generally editorial control would be yours!

Arts Centre Representative:
There are quarterly meetings held by arts centre and often chaired by Sir Nick Kenyon.  House group representatives are invited, but we don't have anyone to represent Ben Jonson House at the moment.  The effort involved would be in attending the meetings and representing the house, and writing a couple of paragraph summary of each meeting for this blog.

Barbican Association Representative:
The Barbican Association is the peak residents association within the Barbican.  Each house can send a representative along to the bi-monthly meetings.  There is quite lively discussion of the many issues currently affecting the estate as a whole.   As representative you would speak up for Ben Jonson House and write a brief summary of key items for this blog.

LFS Planning and Construction Representative:
The London Film School will be building a new home for themselves right under Breton and Ben Jonson houses.  There will no doubt be meetings with planning people, environmental health people, builders, other residents etc.  It would be brilliant if a resident who is around during the days could take on this role, again, representing the house and reporting anything interesting.

... and if there is anything you think the house group should be involved with that you'd be interested in being the lead (Cote & Cinema relations, gardens ... etc.) please do suggest it.

Lastly, if you have an interest in being on the committee, please do let me know.  The house group committee meetings have been bi-monthly in the past, and we somehow always manage to have a bottle of wine to hand to help the discussion flow.

Please let me know via the message form below if you're interested.


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