Sunday 31 July 2016

City energy consultation - 10th Aug

I have been sent a hefty "BUNDLE OF DOCUMENTS" by the City regarding their application to the First Tier Tribunal Property Chamber to dispense with the requirement to consult with tenants regarding negotiation of long term gas and electricity contracts.

The argument goes like this: The deals are being put together across a number of councils and other entities (e.g. NHS trusts) to make a larger block bid for energy to get a better price from the market.  As prices move quite quickly in the energy market a 30 day residents consultation would get in the way.

If I'm reading this correctly, the tribunal will hear this application on 10th August.  I don't know at what time.  The address for the is 10 Alfred Place, WC1E 7LR.

Click to read the whole bundle.

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